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Writer's pictureTom Bode

WSI Trivia Night

WSI’s annual Trivia Night is just around the corner! After missing last year, we’re returning to what works and changing nothing except the questions! Come have a good time enjoying pizza and beer, competing at trivia, and supporting a great cause!

August 13 COVID update: Multnomah County has announced a new requirement to wear masks indoors, because of the rise in delta variant infections. There is an exception for eating and drinking. We will be following those rules.

Also, attendance is limited to 50 people, to allow for greater physical distancing. Door sales will be allowed only until that limit is reached – buy your ticket online to guarantee a spot.

If you’re not attending, you can make a donation online which will count towards our fundraising goal. We look forward to seeing you next year!


When: August 19 – doors at 6 pm, trivia game starts at 7 pm. Come early to grab a good seat.

Where: Lucky Lab Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby Ave, Portland

Tickets are $30 in advance, $40 at the door. Buy tickets online today.

Raffle prizes include award winning lemon meringue pies.

We will also an update on the students and handmade items from Kenya for sale.

***COVID Policy***

The event is only open to people who are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, please do not come. People under age 12 welcome. Staff is 100% vaccinated. We are following state and county guidelines. Masks are required when not eating or drinking. If you prefer to not eat from the buffet, individual meals are available from the restaurant.

We hope to see you there!

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