By Tom Bode, WSI President
WSI was founded a decade ago! Since that time:
40 students (!!) have attended high school with WSI support,
28 are currently in high school,
11 have graduated high school,
7 have attended college or university, and
2 have graduated from a four-year university with a bachelor's degree!
These numbers represent real people: talented young individuals whose lives have been changed by earning a great high school education.
Last month, I had the privilege to travel to Kenya and see the faces that make up those statistics.
Meeting with WSI college and university students
I visited with the college and university students, all of whom completed high school with WSI support and have decided to continue their education. They are all impressive in their achievements and personal growth. The first among them to graduate from university, Peris, works for WSI as a peer mentor, assisting those following in her footsteps.
L to R: Villy, Marion, Peris, Lydia, Vincent, Brenda, Joyce
I also met with the 16 girls currently in high school. They are so grateful for the chance to attend school, and each of them asked me to express that thanks to the WSI donors. Many of them are from remote areas of Kenya where tribal violence, subsistence farming, and early marriage were the alternative to high school. I am happy to share that they are doing extremely well academically. If they continue as they are, many of them will be admitted to university in the coming years.
The next day, I met with the 12 boys in high school. They are also happy to be in school and are performing extremely well. More than half of the boys serve in the student leadership!
During the school visits, I had the pleasure of being joined by Marion, a WSI student who is in her senior year of university. She was a great help in facilitating the trip. I met her when she was in seventh grade, 10 years ago. It was fun to meet her as an adult and reminisce about our first meeting.
The students and I are so grateful to the community of WSI supporters.
Consider being a supporter of our next ten years and make a donation today.