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High school graduates bound for university

By Tom Bode, President

Lydia and Marion graduated from Christ the King Girls High School in December 2018 after four years of support from WSI and earned impressive results on their all-important final exam. Their outstanding achievements during that time demonstrate the immense opportunity that WSI funding provides for young people and showcases the hard work, skill, and maturity of these two young women. WSI recently received letters from these students, which you can read on our blog.


Marion and Lydia spend their last months at school exclusively preparing for the national KCSE exam, taken by high school seniors across the country, to determine their eligibility for further education. Students who score at the highest levels are guaranteed a spot in a four year university degree program (and some government scholarships). In 2018, only 13 percent of student taking the KCSE scored in that category. Lower scores earn students a position in shorter programs and technical and vocational schools.


Lydia and Marion both scored well above the top cut-off, allowing them to continue their education at a four-year university. With scores in hand, they are now waiting to hear which university they will attend when classes start in the fall. We are very proud of their achievements and excited to hear where they will go next.

WSI has three older students who previously earned admission to university through their scores on the KCSE. Peris is currently in her second year at the University of Nairobi, Kenya’s premier institution of higher education, where she is earning a degree in chemical engineering. Triza is attending Mt. Kenya University, where she is studying education with hopes of becoming a teacher. Villitracia is studying business at the Co Operative University of Kenya. WSI provides support to university students through its Professional Education program.

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