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Writer's pictureTom Bode

WSI Student Earns University Degree

By Tom Bode, WSI President

WSI focuses on providing a quality high school education to bright, deserving students. Some of those high school students perform so well that they earn admission to a four-year university - an achievement that requires performing in the top 10% of high school students.

One of those students has now earned a university degree. Peris was a member of the first cohort of students sponsored by WSI, beginning high school in 2013. She excelled in high school and in 2017 earned admission to the prestigious University of Nairobi. She was elected to student leadership position of Deputy Governor by the student body of 80,000. In 2021 she completed a thesis, “Determination of Immune Boosting Trace Elements in Select Food Grains” and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in chemistry, attaining the honors of second class upper division.

Her thesis is dedicated to WSI:

“I dedicate this project to World Scholarship Initiative (WSI) for this continuous support throughout my secondary and tertiary education.”

You can read her thesis here:

Peris is now working in her field in Nairobi. She has also chosen to volunteer with WSI, serving as a peer mentor for other sponsored students coming up below her.

With funding from WSI, Peris applied talent and hard work over eight years to create an exceptional academic career. She has achieved something truly remarkable. We are extremely proud of her accomplishments and are truly excited to see all of the places that she will go.


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