By Tom Bode, President
We first conceived of this organization in December 2012 and were so inspired by the idea that we committed to sponsoring students before we had an organization, a website, financial supporters, or much knowledge of how to create and run a not-for-profit organization. We grew and learned and lot, and thanks to generous support from donors around the world, we recently made the final payment for the first year of schooling for Villitracia, Triza, and Peris, our three sponsored students. What was only an idea nine months ago has turned into reality and changed the life of those three girls.
It’s time to catch up on the administrative aspect of this organization now, to ensure that it remains functional well into the future. Several changes have been made recently. We have registered with the State of Oregon as a not-for-profit organization under the name World Scholarship Initiative. This new name better describes our academic purpose and global ambition. This organization is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of Tom Bode, Katherine Cobb, and Michael Bode. You can read about them on the About Us page. We have adopted bylaws, to assure that the organization conducts its business in a professional, accountable manner. We are also actively pursuing IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and hope to have that recognition by the end of 2013.
These changes will strengthen this organization with few noticeable changes to its appearance. The organization will have no paid employees and volunteers receive no compensation for their work or expenses. Administrative costs will be paid out of pocket by volunteers. All this to ensure that 100% of donations go directly to paying for the education of students in Kenya. The World Scholarship Initiative currently awards only one scholarship, the St. Paul’s Academic Achievement Scholarship. For this reason, the website will retain its focus on the St. Paul’s Academic Achievement Scholarship.
World Scholarship Initiative Board of Directors:
Michael Bode, shown here volunteering in Thailand in 2009
Katie Cobb, shown here with the Sphinx in 2013
Tom Bode, shown here at the front on his classroom at St. Paul’s Primary School